
Linde's Water Position Statement

Global, Applicable to All Linde Operations

Water scarcity and lack of access to clean water are global challenges affecting individuals, community, and industry, and the availability of water is projected to be further impaired by the effects of climate change.   

Linde utilizes water in its operations, primarily for cooling processes and in hydrogen production. Linde makes efforts to conserve water and impacts on water are minimized: More than 75 percent of global freshwater withdrawal is returned to its original source, at same or better quality.  

Responsible management of water is an essential element of Linde’s sustainability strategy. Corporate targets, actions and product portfolio contribute towards two UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); “Clean water and sanitation” (SDG 6), and “Responsible consumption and production” (SDG 12). Examples of activities include: tracking of water usage and efficiency improvements; long-term sustainability targets, including water management plans in areas of high water stress; minimize water pollution; and multiple product offerings and applications that enable Linde’s customers to sustain and improve water quality, and that provide clean, safe water to people and ecosystems.  Elements of water stewardship include compliance, management and reporting, and stakeholder engagement, which are further described below:   


Consistent with Linde’s Code of Business Integrity, Linde maintains a system of procedures to apply with applicable regulations. The company is committed to environmental responsibility, which includes utilization of water, as outlined in Linde’s HSE policy and Responsible Care Global Policy. Beyond regulatory compliance, Linde’s water reporting is aligned with international frameworks and standards, including GRI, the SASB standards for chemical industry, TCFD and CDP and the company has long-term targets for water management.  

Targets, Management and Reporting

Linde has processes in place to optimize water use at facilities. With input from process engineering teams and operational controls, these processes reduce freshwater withdrawal and wastewater production and protect freshwater sources from substances which might harm humans and eco-systems. The company has set voluntary, long-term sustainability targets, including a water stewardship target, and transparently regularly reports water-related key performance indicators and performance against set targets.     

Stakeholder Engagement

Access to clean water and sanitation are human rights, and Linde engages stakeholders on a multitude of sustainability issues. Water-related stakeholders include authorities, suppliers, employees, customers, investors, communities and NGOs. Initiatives and engagement takes many forms and include, for example: maintaining clean water and functioning wash services for employees at Linde facilities worldwide; supplier expectations, collaboration with water treatment service providers and industry to establish the most effective solutions and processes at Linde plants; and community engagement projects, which help provide clean drinking water and sanitation programs to schools and communities through collaboration with non-profit organizations. Additionally, Linde R&D teams continue to develop innovative applications of Linde gases and technologies offering customers solutions that may help to increase the quality of drinking water, treat wastewater, and protect water ecosystems.  

Supply Chain Management

As outlined in our Supplier Code of Conduct, we expect our suppliers and contractors to comply with Linde’s policies and standards, including those related to water principles.  

For more information on Linde’s water KPIs, water management processes, and impacts, see Linde’s CDP Water Response on the SD Reporting Center.