Integrity & Compliance
Benefiting All Our Stakeholders
Compliance at the heart of our decision-making
"Here at Linde, we live and work by our company's values because we understand that our values pave the way for a successful and sustainable future. We strive to achieve our goals ethically and with the highest integrity because being a trusted partner wins us business. We are committed to improving the communities in which we operate and live because we want to be proud of who we are and what we do."
Sanjiv Lamba
CEO, Linde plc
Sanjiv Lamba
CEO, Linde plc
Committed to integrity, committed to Compliance
"The team and I are committed to maintaining a culture of compliance, transparency, and integrity in all of our business operations. Compliance is not a one-time event, but a continuous process. And we will continue to prioritize compliance because it is essential for building trust, maintaining our reputation, and sustaining our long-term success."
Karin Griggel
Chief Compliance Officer, Linde plc
Karin Griggel
Chief Compliance Officer, Linde plc
Linde's Compliance Program
Linde's commitment to legal and ethical business practices translates to a comprehensive and robust compliance program built on three pillars: Prevention, Detection and Response. We strive to prevent violations from ever happening. We ensure the rapid detection of violations through ongoing reviews and monitoring, and in the event of substantiated cases, we respond with swift corrective action and disciplinary measures.
Code of Business Integrity
This Code of Business Integrity ("our Code") provides guidance on how we as Linde employees will conduct ourselves with each other and with customers, suppliers, governments, other businesses and our environment.
Learn more
Our Compliance Policies
Our Code of Business Integrity and compliance program are designed to ensure that we adhere to the highest standards when conducting business, that we comply with all applicable laws and regulations wherever we operate, and that we understand the value and sustainability of a culture of compliance.
View our policies
Our Integrity Line - Protecting our company & community
The Linde Integrity Line is run by an independent third party. Unlawful behavior or behavior not in alignment with our Code of Business Integrity or other compliance policies can be reported via the Integrity Line. All reports will be treated confidentially. The Linde Integrity Line is available 24/7.
Access Linde's Integrity Line