About Us

Every Day Around the World, We Are Making Our World More Productive
Learn More About Linde
We are a leading global industrial gases and engineering company, serving a variety of end markets such as chemicals and energy, food and beverages, electronics, healthcare, manufacturing, metals and mining.

Every day around the world, our people are inspired to make our world more productive - by delivering innovative solutions, technologies and services which make our customers more successful and help to sustain, decarbonize and protect our planet.

Our industrial gases and technologies are used in countless applications including production of clean hydrogen and carbon capture systems critical to the energy transition, life-saving medical oxygen and high-purity and specialty gases for electronics. We also deliver state-of-the-art gas processing solutions to support our customers.

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Our Expertise

Proven expertise plus innovative gases, plant engineering and advanced material technologies to make our world more productive and protect our planet
Learn more about our expertise

Making a Difference

Linde employees strive to live our vision of “best performing” in everything we do.  Many respected third-party stakeholders have recognized Linde’s practices and governance, contributions to communities, innovative solutions and sustainability performance.
View some of the awards and recognition that we've earned

Corporate Governance

Responsible corporate governance is a key prerequisite for our business success. This means ensuring compliance with the law, rules and regulations and voluntary commitments.
Learn more about our corporate governance framework

What We Value

Our values are firmly embedded in our DNA. We live these values every day so we can achieve our goals in an impactful, responsible way.
Learn more about what we value

How We Lead

We always strive to achieve our goals ethically and to the highest standards of integrity and governance. We invite you to learn more about Linde’s experienced leaders and how they govern our company.
Learn more about how we lead

A supply chain aligned with our values

Our suppliers and contractors play a vital role in our ability to work efficiently and deliver on our promises to our customers. We are committed to doing business with integrity, selecting suppliers based on merit, alignment with our values including conformance with our Supplier Code of Conduct and Code of Business Integrity.
Learn more about our supplier guidelines


Our gases, technologies and applications likely impact your life every day, whether you live in a bustling metropolis or a remote town. 
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