Linde Starts Up First Phase of Pyeongtaek Project to Supply Samsung in South Korea
Guildford, UK, April 21, 2020 - Linde (NYSE: LIN; FWB: LIN) announced today that it has started up a new air separation plant to supply industrial gases to Samsung Electronics' world-class semiconductor facilities in Pyeongtaek, South Korea.

The start-up completes the first phase of Linde's largest single electronics investment to build, own and operate several air separation units and hydrogen plants to support growing demand for Samsung's semiconductors. The project comprises two phases and will incorporate large-scale infrastructure including multiple purifiers and an extensive pipeline system. The agreement includes a long-term supply contract for various ultra-high purity industrial gases, including hydrogen.
"We are proud to have safely completed and started up the new plant on schedule. In a successful partnership which spans more than 40 years, we have worked closely with Samsung to provide a reliable supply of industrial gases and innovative technologies to help support its growth," said B.S. Sung, President of Linde Korea. "As we progress with project construction for the next phase, we look forward to further increasing our density in the Pyeongtaek region and maintaining a safe and reliable supply of industrial gases to Samsung."
About Linde
Linde is a leading global industrial gases and engineering company with 2019 sales of $28 billion (€25 billion). We live our mission of making our world more productive every day by providing high-quality solutions, technologies and services which are making our customers more successful and helping to sustain and protect our planet.
The company serves a variety of end markets including aerospace, chemicals, food and beverage, electronics, energy, healthcare, manufacturing and primary metals. Linde's industrial gases are used in countless applications, from life-saving oxygen for hospitals to high-purity & specialty gases for electronics manufacturing, hydrogen for clean fuels and much more. Linde also delivers state-of-the-art gas processing solutions to support customer expansion, efficiency improvements and emissions reductions.
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