Linde included in the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index
Guildford, UK, 25 September, 2019 - Linde (NYSE: LIN; FWB: LIN) announced today it has been included in the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index in its first year as a new company since the merger between Linde AG and Praxair, Inc. was finalized.

The DJSI World comprises the top ten percent by sector of the 2,500 largest companies in the S&P Global Broad Market Index. Inclusion in the DJSI Indices is determined by asset manager RobecoSAM. To be listed, the companies must demonstrate continuous improvement in a variety of economic, ecological and social criteria. Linde was evaluated at the 97th percentile (3rd highest) in the chemicals sector and scored highest among all European and North American companies. Linde achieved highest in sector scores in innovation management, materiality, risk & crisis management, environmental policy & management, product stewardship, water-related risks, eco-efficiency, labor practice as well as corporate citizenship and philanthropy.
"I am proud to see Linde ranked highly in this year's Dow Jones Sustainability World Index," said Linde Chief Executive Officer Steve Angel. "Sustainability is an integral part of our mission, vision and values and this recognition exemplifies our long-standing commitment to sustainability and the outstanding efforts of Linde's global employees."
Both legacy companies have received recognition for their sustainability performance in the past through recurring inclusion in the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index. Praxair, Inc. as predecessor has a history of 16 years of continuous inclusion in the DJSI and Linde AG was listed for seven consecutive years before the merger.
For more information about Linde's sustainable development initiatives, please visit
About Linde plc
Linde is a leading industrial gases and engineering company with 2018 pro forma sales of USD 28 billion (EUR 24 billion). The company employs approximately 80,000 people globally and serves customers in more than 100 countries worldwide. Linde delivers innovative and sustainable solutions to its customers and creates long-term value for all stakeholders. The company is making our world more productive by providing products, technologies and services that help customers improve their economic and environmental performance in a connected world.
For more information about the company, please visit